Today is for the girls.
Ya’ll see my daughtas tearing it up on this card? Today, you’re being asked to have some fun if you haven’t been having any recently. As you can see, they are dancing salsa, having a great time on the dance floor. We are walking through this 11/11 portal and it’s the day to make manifest the rest of your life for the year 2023. I’m doing my part to get clear on what that looks like for myself and I am still in the process of getting super pointed on what it is that I need. The Three of Cups comes up when you’re being asked to focus on community. The text says, “Teamwork and collaboration are essential, and when you draw this card, you are on the right track. Whether the group in question is a team at work, your siblings, or your closest friends, you know when to lead, when to follow and when to freestyle. When you draw this card, take it as a sign to reconnect with your friends, family, loved ones, or work friends (not in a work setting) and enjoy one another’s company. This also shows the devotion you have for working with a specific team and how the connection you have with one another is so amazing that you all shine as a group and individually.” Today, you’re being nudged to spend some time with your community in some way.
I need to figure out what that looks like. Or who I want to spend time with, so I’m going to do that offline. On another note, today is the four year anniversary from when I filmed this video for Buzzfeed that changed my life. It’s interesting to see how this 11/11 portal helped manifest this lifestyle that I never would have anticipated that long ago, but now here I am living in my purpose in a way I would have never expected and I know that I’m not fully where I want to be, but I’m slowly but surely getting there.
I’m so blessed and grateful for how far things have come. Thank you all for being a part of this journey with me this long and baby, it’s wild to think that this is still the beginning or middle of it, even through all of the trials and tribulations. I’m thankful to still have room to grow, learn, keep trying, etc.
I think today’s post will be short, but also know that I’ll be traveling over the next few days to see someone :) so please know that things will post a little slower than normal or maybe they won’t! But I just had to put that out there in case ya’ll looking for shit because the last time I came late, I was caught up with them LMAO and I’m just being real here! See you all tomorrow!
Late reading this but happy to have caught u live yesterday! Manifest away baby! Collaboration is a big theme!! ❤️❤️